
French Adventures

Title: French Adventures
Author: Jeremy Strong
Publisher (level): Literacy Land (2.0)
Mouse and Sam have visited Paris as a school trip. They walk along the street of Paris with them teacher, Mr. Hopkins. Suddenly, however, Mr. Hopkins has been kidnapped by two horrible men. So, Mouse and Sam have lost in the middle of Paris. Moreover, they cannot speak French. Then, they manage to arrive at a book store whose signboard is written in English and they meet an American clerk, Montana. She helps them search for Mr. Hopkins and their school friends. Thus, they succeed in meeting their friends and at last they realize Mr. Hopkins is arrested as a suspect. Of course, he is not a suspect. In fact, the police have made a mistake. So, they meet Mr. Hopkins again.
Evaluation: 4 stars
This story is interesting and the proportion of words to illustrations is moderate. The characters of this story are attractive. Mouse and Sam are so brave and Montana is very kind. It is wonderful. And it is funny that the kidnapper is really the police. By the way, this book is two works. So, I should have read the part 1.

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