Title: Blood Diamonds
Author: Richard MacAndrew
Publisher (level): Cambridge (1.4)
This is a detective story over the “Blood Diamonds.” People in Africa buy guns with diamonds and they fight with the guns. So, they are called Blood Diamonds. Kirkpatrick and the Shepherd are hero and heroine of this story. They are journalists and writing an article about Blood Diamonds. While investigating, they notice that one businessman is related to the buying and selling of the Blood diamonds. His name is Van Delft. Kirkpatrick tries to meet him. But, he fails. He tries to meet again and get information of Van’s house by Lafon, who is a jeweler. At last, Kirkpatrick finds him, but he is caught by Van because of Lafon’s falseness. He is going to be killed. But thanks to Shepherd’s good work, Kirkpatrick is saved and they are arrested.
Evaluation: 3 stars
This book is not very interesting as a detective novel. I think that the story is plain and the progress of this story is too quick. However, I could deepen the knowledge of the Blood Diamonds and the fact of African countries. Because I didn’t know the Blood Diamonds until I read this. In such respect, it can be said that this book is profitable for me.
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